Ferrovia in miniatura Conti , piccola Arte Lombarda (dal primo dopoguerra all'inizio degli anni 60), un blog sul Collezionismo dei trenini Conti (CO.MO.G.E.) ……….. e non solo ……. Arte, Storia e Cultura fanno da contorno ai nostri beniamini ….Vostri commenti e suggerimenti sono graditi e ci aiuteranno a migliorare il Sito…ed ora usa il motore di ricerca qui sotto immettendo un nome, una parola, un argomento e dai INVIO
Unusual tin station not shown on Catalogs but with the characteristics logos of Conti.
Windows and doors are different compared to other Stations which are almost rounded while this station has caracteristic squared including the clock which was usually rounded.
It could be a primordial item also in consideration of the pink painting of that period.
This station was placed in the promotional diorama for the use of store retailers so have been produced only a few items and this is the only known come down to us. Pictured on page six of the book-catalog of Carlo Costamagna in the context of that plastic.