“JEP Mignon” Conti French grandparents
(Written by P.G.)
The brand “Jouets de Paris”, which later became the JEP sees the light on October 25, 1902 and it is the result of the merger of seven small manufacturers of toys.
Its headquarters are located at 94 de la rue de Paris ร Montreuil-Sous-Bois.

After producing all sorts of vehicles, especially trains in O scale, or larger, it launched in 1925 the series “JEP Mignon”, the first French train in OO scale.
In that way JEP follows close behind Bing, the first manufacturer ever in the world of trains in this “new” scale since 1922 …
JEP respects the scale in OO gauge, but not in the size of the vehicles, rather abundant and therefore these trains can be considered in a certain way the grandparents of the Conti …

Here we see the electric locomotive JEP called “Trolley”
not at all out of place next to a 480 Conti, and even with a 554 …

The electric locomotive has the unusual running gear 1-B-1,
90 years old and it looks very well …

… And here it is with a convoy of three cars to two axes in lithographed metal…
This pack, with wooden box,
is made exclusively for the BHV (Bazaar de l’ Hotel de Ville) in Paris for Christmas 1927 …
Inside are placed, in addition to the locomotive and the cars, the tracks in two rails, made in a single piece of sheet metal lithographed, that share with the line ‘s power supply of the machine.
They are therefore present poles, overhead wires, signals, bridges support rails, railings and other accessories and the rheostat power ….
… in which the main resistance is constituted by a lamp of that period to 110 V with carbon filament.

I doubt very much that, as children, our grandparents could freely play with the grandparents of Conti, whereas the open circuit voltage between wire plane and track was 110 V ….

JEP produced little train with steam locomotive too, this time working three rail …

The locomotive has a certain resemblance to those produced by Bing,
but it is definitely bigger …..
And also exists
in the mechanical version
with charging spring …

And here they are, as good grandmothers,
they do portray two worthy grandchildren, the 835 and the 290 of Conti

The mechanic locomotive is given also in a pack
with two cars and tracks in two rails …

And finally the grandparents of Conti
gathered in a JEP family photo …
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(@May 17, 21015)