Ferrovia in miniatura Conti , piccola Arte Lombarda (dal primo dopoguerra all'inizio degli anni 60), un blog sul Collezionismo dei trenini Conti (CO.MO.G.E.) ……….. e non solo ……. Arte, Storia e Cultura fanno da contorno ai nostri beniamini ….Vostri commenti e suggerimenti sono graditi e ci aiuteranno a migliorare il Sito…ed ora usa il motore di ricerca qui sotto immettendo un nome, una parola, un argomento e dai INVIO
Pierre and Marie Curie
Pierre and Marie Curie
(From Encyclopedia Treccani)
French physicists, were among the discoverers of radioactivity. Pierre (Paris 1859 – 1906) began in 1880 with research conducted together with his brother Paul-Jacques, on piezoelectric phenomena; then he studied the effects of temperature changes on the magnetic properties of bodies; then he devoted himself to research, which has the fame, the behavior of radioactive substances.
In these he had, since 1897, the collaboration of his wife, Maria Sklodowska (Warsaw 1867 – Sancellemoz, Haute Savoie, 1934).
ย In 1898, after two years of painstaking work, the Curies were able to isolate from pitchblende some bismuth compounds having a radioactivity about 400 times more uranium, which was attributed to an element called polonium, in honor of the homeland of Madame Curie.
In the same 1898 the Curies together with G. Bรฉmont obtained, always from pitchblende, highly radioactive barium chloride: the unknown element that is present in minute traces in this substance, producing such radioactivity was called radio.
The Curie will also attend to the first observations on the physiological effects of radioactive substances.
ย In 1903 they got, together with H. Becquerel, the Nobel Prize for physics for their research on the radioactivity. ย After her husband’s death, hit by a coach,
teaching and research was continued by Madame Curie, who in 1910 managed to isolate metallic radium and in 1911 received the Nobel Prize also for chemistry.
ย During the World War Marie Curie devoted himself to the organization of the army radiological service.
ย Her death in sanatorium Sancellemoz, was perhaps due to decreased body resistance resulting from the long-absorption of radiation from radioactive bodies.