Ferrovia in miniatura Conti , piccola Arte Lombarda (dal primo dopoguerra all'inizio degli anni 60), un blog sul Collezionismo dei trenini Conti (CO.MO.G.E.) ……….. e non solo ……. Arte, Storia e Cultura fanno da contorno ai nostri beniamini ….Vostri commenti e suggerimenti sono graditi e ci aiuteranno a migliorare il Sito…ed ora usa il motore di ricerca qui sotto immettendo un nome, una parola, un argomento e dai INVIO
The Scrovegni Chapel
The Scrovegni Chapel
If I think of the blue in the ancient painting, the first image that comes to the eyes is the Scrovegni Chapel ….
Despite the reservations required and the limited time that is allowed for the visit, I never tire of reviewing this masterpiece of the XIV century. Commissioned to Giotto by the wealthy Paduan banker Enrico Scrovegni, who here offers as a giftย the same chapel to the Virgin Mary ….
… It is completely painted all the interior with paintings probably inspired by the theologian Augustinian Alberto from Padua. ย The first three registers include the series of paintings based on the theme of salvation,
on the stories of Christ, from Joachim and the Virgin Mary
until the Pentecost.
ย The fourth register is
Vices and Virtues … ..
… Follow the “path of the seventh day” which starts from the birth of the Church to reach the Last Judgement located on the counter, at the end of which one enters the eighth day, in the eternity of Hell and Heaven.
If we compare these paintings with the Stories of Saint Francis painted by Giotto in Assisi , we are seeing greater refinement in the means of expression, a stronger mastery of composition, of gestures and color scheme in general. Speaking of colors is apparent the dominance of the light blue and blue, used for funds, sky, walls, clothes, and architectural elements.
At the age of Giotto that color, derived from the pigment called azurite, was the most expensive of all, after the gold, but Enrico Scrovegni, to earn Heaven, was willing to open the purse strings ….