Ferrovia in miniatura Conti , piccola Arte Lombarda (dal primo dopoguerra all'inizio degli anni 60), un blog sul Collezionismo dei trenini Conti (CO.MO.G.E.) ……….. e non solo ……. Arte, Storia e Cultura fanno da contorno ai nostri beniamini ….Vostri commenti e suggerimenti sono graditi e ci aiuteranno a migliorare il Sito…ed ora usa il motore di ricerca qui sotto immettendo un nome, una parola, un argomento e dai INVIO
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Born in Aschaffenburg in 1880, Kirchner, after being influenced in his youth by the works of Gauguin and Van Gogh, becomes in Dresden, within the artistic group “Die Brücke”, one of the leaders of the German expressionism. His painting, full of vitality instinctive, is characterized by formal simplifications, hard strokes and bright colors often developed in artificial spaces. He put it this would almost say “nervously”
especially in his portraits ….
…. or street scenes ….
… While in the landscapes his drawing becomes more serene leaving the sheer contrast of colors, sometimes violent …
… Sometimes more tenuous …
… But leaves transpire
a restlessness deep …
In his last period the artist seems to find a more peaceful expression …
… And the image of this cabin in a snowy Swiss valley is, in my opinion, with its surreal colors, one of his finest works ..
During the Nazi period the painter must take refuge in Davos in Switzerland and in Germany his works are disparaged as decadent by the Hitler regime, to the point that some of them are publicly burned.