Primordial Cucciolo rosso with two freight cars
Primordial Cucciolo rosso with two freight cars
Primordial Cucciolo rosso with two freight cars
Belvedere Direct Power
Loco 424 Cicchetti last production
Loco 480 FS DC
Belvedere direct and alternate power
Belvedere FS 444 Direct power Another Belvedere Direct Power Axles
another version in Cicchetti box Belvedere in alternate power Collection Iltreninodipaps the box in the picture, however, is the Belvedere […]
Loco FS 480 in alternate power with pantographs also a version direct power
Loco FS 4001 with fixed tin pantographs
another version with original green box another set with 424 and Mercury car Classic 424 two motors Direct Power […]
A rare version in green last production Oreste Cicchetti
Loco E 530 nicknamed also “saponetta” for the rounded shape It esists a version in kaki colour too Another E […]
Loco FS 554 Collection Il Trenino di PAPS other image shows loco E 554 Private Collection GCB and one in […]